Who We Are

We are very pleased that you found us! Thanks for stopping by.

Whether you’re just looking around and happened to stumble on us, or you’re looking for somewhere to be like your spiritual home, or you’re wondering if we might be the place where you could make a contribution in our local community, hopefully these next couple of minutes will make your time spent here worthwhile.

Our hope and vision for our world is ‘Life found through finding God’.  We want to see people find life and flourish.  What we will do to work towards our hope being realised, i.e. our mission statement is, ‘Growing connection and community for all’.  That’s it.  We know it’s not particularly religious, but we also know that our world is full of disconnection.  So many people are struggling with social isolation, loneliness and unwanted “aloneness”.  We are here because we want to be a bit counter-cultural, connecting with people in loving and meaningful ways.

A lot of what we do mid-week is about connecting with people, whether it be through a community lunch, English classes, our Op Shop, a game of bingo, or anything else we do.  Many of our people volunteer and involve themselves in a range of different activities in our area.  When we meet on Sundays, we are simply being refuelled for going back into our world to be loving, compassionate, inclusive, generous, grateful, peaceful, gracious, forgiving, caring people.  If that sounds like you at all, then maybe you’ve come to the right place.

When it comes to our Sunday service, you might find us to be a bit different.  We are not as focussed on getting the beliefs right or the service ‘professional’, as we are about meeting each other and sharing in life together.  We’re not perfect, we’re not complete, and we sometimes get it a little wrong. God, as we understand God, loves us because of that, and where necessary, in spite of that.  We hope the love of God might catch you a little through us.

You can participate with us on Sundays at 9:30am, or from about 3pm that afternoon on our YouTube Channel 

On this website, you will find ways of connecting with the church community and local community. Together with God, we will also find new ways.  Our hope is that together we will help one another belong and grow – that we will build one another up in faith and love, sustain one another in hope, and together engage in a fuller participation in God’s mission of love in the world.